Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Adventures of Tommy Pesticides

Tom took it upon himself to liven up our shitty night of camping, by borrowing a paddle boat from a nearby dock and taking us all for a ride. thank you tom.

memorable quotes from the trip included: "Yeah, but its 10 dollars and it won't get you drunk."

"Dude I love your minty soap!"
"That's Listerine"

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Quotes that suck

"Hey look it's the frog kid! Oh wait, is the window open." -Kyle Koukal

"My Dick smells like corn" -Randy Paul

"I was born 21" - Kelly Karis

"I got a 6 pack of bud light lime we can split" -Kyle "splitsies" Koukal

"Get out of the road you retard...oh wait it's a real one." -Sam Jorgensen

"Whats starts friday?" -Ricky Koukal after seeing a sign for a drive in theatre

"I couldn't even do that if I had a G-string!"- Kyle Koukal

"Control your dog!" -Sam Jorgensen

"That's Wiggity Wiggity Whack!" -Ricky Koukal

This is only the beginning

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

Happy Birthday America! Be more like this American-loving-badass.
American Badass Pictures, Images and Photos

Knife Show

Friday, July 3, 2009

Anyone want a pair of Holden Pants?

I have some brown holden snowpants, Men's Size XS. I'm too fat for them, so if your skinny (waist 26-28) Lemme know, I'll get em to you for cheap.