Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Me, Ryan, Ricky and our buddy Kam went longboarding in afton. here's a bunch of pictures I took.
From Longboarding 525

Badass Bikers with Ryan and Ricky
From Longboarding 525
Ricky IS retarded.
From Longboarding 525
RP skitchin down the hill, no eyes.
From Longboarding 525
They didn't stop....
From Longboarding 525
From Longboarding 525
carvin out
From Longboarding 525
The white truck in the background almost killed ricky. No joke.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I love Maury!

White Trash from the south!!!! Represent!!!! 'Cause ey gottit liiiiake daaaat.


favorite Corey Duffel part

Monday, May 11, 2009

GHP goes fishing

So we decided to go fishing after school on moday. Me, Billy, Trent and Ricky all went fishing, and billy was the only one to catch a fish. its tight.

From Afton Rock N Ride #1

From Afton Rock N Ride #1